Dear Client,
I’m sure you don’t need us to tell you about the unprecedented situation we face at the moment, so I just wanted to tell you what we as a business are doing to still be here for you and keep people moving.
At the moment we are very limited by Government restrictions as to what we can do, so we can’t do viewings or rental appraisals in the traditional sense and to protect you and our staff our office is closed. However, whilst as you might expect, people are prioritising other things like child care at the moment, we will endeavour to complete virtual viewings where movement restrictions and staffing allows. Likewise, if you require a rental appraisal we are happy to carry these out virtually using Facetime or equivalent.
For Landlords, we continue to collect and process rents and pay these on promptly. Likewise we continue to chase late payment of rent and will liaise with you where situations arise that may require negotiation of payment plans during these difficult. Rest assured we are advising tenants of the best way to avoid deferring rent and therefore accumulating arrears.
For tenants, we currently continue to provide emergency repairs and urgent/essential maintenance where contractor availability allows. Please be patient with ourselves and our contractors whilst we do our best to maintain a sensible level of service. If you require more minor repairs, we hope you will understand that these cannot be prioritised at the current time, again please be patient with ourselves and our contractors.
As regards all other enquiries, we remain available by phone and email during normal office hours. Please be patient with us, we hope to deal with every enquiry as swiftly as possible but hope you’ll bear with us, like yourselves we are navigating uncharted waters. We also offer 24/7 live chat via our website. Emergency/urgent maintenance enquiries can also be sent to
We sincerely hope you and your loved ones stay safe and well.